House Points
The school has a policy of positively rewarding good behaviour; good manners; use of initiative; and good work through awarding house points.
House Points System
Children are allocated one of four houses in which they remain throughout the course of their time at St. Michael's.
The houses are based on the patron saints of the United KIngdom and each house has a colour.
- St George (red)
- St Andrew (blue)
- St David (yellow)
- St Patrick (green)
House points can be awarded by any staff member to children throughout the course of each week. Children then receive a coloured token, which they then place in our house point collection tubes. These are totalled at the end of each week by our Year 6 House Captains. A weekly cup is presented in Collective Worship to the winning house and a running total is maintained; at the end of each term, the termly cup is awarded.
The children also represent their houses on Sports Day.